Are the puppies purebred?
River Ranch Goldens certifies that the puppies are purebred Golden Retrievers.
Your puppy will have an Official AKC litter certificate, but you will have to register them with AKC for your own AKC registration papers.
Our litters range between $2500-$3000, depending on litter and pedigree. A $300 deposit goes toward the final amount which is due upon pickup. Deposits are non-refundable, but do not expire. Date of deposits determine order of puppy selection. All puppies go to their new homes between 8-9 weeks.
Can we come meet the puppies' parents?
We do not arrange facility tours / visits. We adhere to strict biosecurity to protect the health and wellbeing of our dogs. We realize that all breeders have their unique approach and process. Thanks for understanding our concern for our puppies health.
What type and size are the parents?
Our current litter of 100% AKC Golden Retrievers, champion bloodlines and come from Posey and Murphy.
Murphy (sire) weighs about 70-80 lbs and is about 24 inches tall at the shoulder. Posey (dam) weighs 60-70 lbs and is about 23 inches tall at the shoulder.
What is your Health Guarantee?
Our puppies are vaccinated, dewormed, and healthy. We will give you a list of the vaccinations and medications given. We do provide new pet owners a 24-hour health guarantee. If your vet finds any significant problems with the puppy, we will refund all that you paid. So far, we have never had this happen.
Our vet provides a health certificate, that will be sent home with each puppy.
In addition to these things, we also offer a one year genetic health guarantee, in which we will reimburse you for any genetic illnesses up to the price you paid for your puppy.
Do you begin potty training for your puppies?
Yes, we do. We start potty training at four weeks of age. Many of our customers comment on how easy it was to fully potty-train our puppies.
They are not fully potty trained at eight weeks, but because their living quarters are kept clean, they tend to resist going potty in their kennel, looking for the "usual" spot. This cleanliness habit gives you a chance to establish a potty spot in your yard using the same cues with which we have trained them.
Do you kennel train your puppies?
Yes, we get them used to a kennel, beginning at age 4-6 weeks. Kennel training helps you as an owner to potty train and contain them when needed (such as night time and traveling). The first few nights at a new home are daunting for a puppy. Being den animals, puppies feel safer in their own dedicated "cave," or kennel.
Do you send the puppy home with anything?
Yes, we give you a small bag of the puppy food that the puppy is used to, its collar, and a cloth with the puppy's mother's and littermates' scent.
How are your puppies socialized?
Our puppies spend time with people every day, including very responsible 14 and 16-year-old children, and under supervision 6 and 8-year-olds. They are played with and held. We begin teaching human social skills such as not jumping on people and not biting with teeth. We also praise them highly when they come when called.
Puppies take well to any new people and pets introduced to them in the first 14 weeks. You will have plenty of time for your puppy to become familiar and used to your family members and pets. Our puppies are also used to loud noises like outside lawnmowers, inside vacuums, power tools, and children's noises.
We take them on drives, let them see other animals such as cats and goats. We work daily to introduce sights and sounds that your puppy may come in contact with during their life. We want your puppy to be a well rounded and happy addition to your family which is why we work hard to provide an age appropriate enrichment program.
Our goal is to raise an emotionally and well rounded puppy. This take intense work the first few weeks of life. Some of our puppies have gone on to become therapy dogs because of the temperament of the breed as well as the training and exposure we begin with them here in our home.
Do you collar train your puppies?
Yes, we do. They begin collar training at six weeks of age with lightweight ribbons, starting with short lengths of wear time. Over time we increase the time to acclimate them to a lightweight standard collar at 7 1/2 weeks. You should still take off your puppies collar at night for the first few weeks until he/she is entirely comfortable with it.
Do you keep a dog after its 8 weeks old?
It depends. Sometimes we are unable to, such as at Christmas Time.
When we are able to, we will only house a puppy for 2 weeks maximum, past its 8 weeks birthday. And this needs to be arranged, which will include a charge of $20/day. We much prefer you take your puppy home as soon as possible. Why? because their window of peak bonding and acclimation to your home does not last forever.
What is your Contract?
Click here for the contract.